Alkam d.o.o. logotip

Balcony and winter garden glazing – expand your living space

Enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of balconies, whether through renovation or in new constructions, adds value to any property.
Balcony glazing seamlessly combines the advantages of an open balcony with the versatility of an enclosed space. It instantly creates an additional usable area that is well-suited for all seasons and weather conditions.

Different types of balcony glazing

Different types of glazing can be built into the balcony structure. You can opt for hinged or sliding traditional windows or doors glazed with thermal insulating glass or single glazing. Sliding and hinged doors or windows are the most commonly used, allowing the balcony to be open and visually attractive while at the same time offering a great view. The thermal insulation of the aluminium construction makes it easier to conserve warmth and ultimately boost energy efficiency.

Fully glazed balconies

For balconies made entirely of glass, tempered glass solutions are available. Due to its exceptional durability and ability to withstand considerable physical force, tempered glass renders any safety concerns regarding such balconies entirely unnecessary. The glazing boasts an outstanding appearance. The use of opaque or matte glass in certain areas can offer the same degree of privacy as traditional enclosed balconies.

Partnership with leading balcony glazing manufacturers

We are the only licensed partner in Slovenia for Solarlux, the world’s leading manufacturer of balcony glazing. The company has been awarded the prestigious ICONIC AWARDS 2022: Innovative Architecture design competition awarded by the German Design Council for the company’s Megaline bi-folding glass doors. 

Our experts regularly attend the Solarlux Academy education courses and trainings, enabling us to keep in touch with the latest technologies, solutions, standards and guidelines in modern architecture and construction.

Sliding systems with panels

In order to enclose balconies that are not utilized as living spaces, an alternative approach is to utilize sliding or sliding-folding panels constructed from materials like sheet metal or other suitable options. These panels serve multiple purposes, including providing shading, enhancing the building’s aesthetic appeal, and offering a diverse range of visual perspectives.

Alkam d.o.o. brdo f3 KAB9085 0317 scaled
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